About ACG Wellness

ACG Wellness is a health and well-being coaching brand helping people around the globe attain inner peace and awaken the superpower within.

Welcome - Bem Vindo - Bien Venidos!

I invite you to rediscover your true potential, the source of all healing power within yourself, that will open you to greater well-being, creativity, and joy.

When I began my journey toward my true purpose, I had one thing in mind: TO SERVE! I wanted to learn more about Meditation and Ayurveda, the science of life, so I could help others find Inner Peace, Radiant Health and Joy. Read Bio

What we do

Transform from the inside out


Mantra Meditation

Meditation is a tool for rediscovering the body’s own inner intelligence.

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Well-being Coaching

Our program is designed for creating more wellness and balance in your life.

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Awareness Awakens

Our Awareness Awakens program will enhance your health, well-being, and spiritual life.

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Perfect Health Ayurveda Lifestyle

Restore vitality with the Chopra Center Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program

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Adriana C. Gage

Adriana’s compassionate nature was obvious as a child. When she was six years old, her mother found her crying. When she asked Adriana what was wrong, her answer was a unique one for her age: “There’s war and people are suffering.”

Adriana is a seasoned and expert mystic. She has worked with people from all walks of life. In her early 20’s she built a successful small company selling Brazilian beach wear to top stores in Malibu and Santa Monica. She also worked as a preschool teacher until her second child was born. It wasn’t until she took early retirement after working for a major airline for 24 years in the customer service department that she found what she believes is her true purpose – Help others reconnect their Inner Peace, Vital Health and live a harmonious and joyful life.

She has served people like Michelle and Barack Obama, Mohammed Ali, Deepak Chopra and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, among many other Noble Prize winners, top musicians and athletes.

She has studied different types of mystical meditation and practices of Ayurveda. Adriana has mastered integrative health care approaches, having studied under Doctor Deepak Chopra and his team. She is a certified Chopra Health and Meditation Instructor and Chopra Total Well-being Coach. She is also a certified Hay House Moonologist.

She enjoys spending time on the ocean, cycling around the world and traveling to her home country of Brazil.


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  • adriana@acgwellness.com

Based in Calabasas, CA, USA