Meet Adriana

Through a very personalized one on one program, I’m here to help you return to your natural state and experience vital health, happiness, balance, wholeness, joy, inner peace and awaken the power within.

Welcome – Bem Vindo – Bien Venidos! My name is Adriana C Gage, I am a Certified Chopra Total Well-being Coach, Ayurvedic Health and Meditation Instructor…

Discover more about Adriana

Sign up for any of these transforming and very personalized one on one programs, designed exclusively for an individual's mind-body constitution. Discover all of our offerings
About ACG Wellness

Transform your life

ACG Wellness is a well-being coaching brand helping people around the globe attain inner peace and awaken the superpower within.

My vision is to help you move from feeling constricted, stressed, anxious and unwell, to return to your natural state and experience vital health, happiness, balance, wholeness, joy and transform your life from the inside out.


What clients say...
  • “Adriana is there to help and listen. She respects her clients and never tries to make us do things we don’t feel comfortable with. I feel I can completely trust her. I can open up my heart and share all the good things as well as so-called “bad” things or things I’m not proud of in front of her. All in all, that’s part of me, and it feels good to accept who I am completely as a whole. I feel I have transformed through her coaching sessions, and it is such a luxury to spend time only for yourself with the beautiful support from Adriana. I appreciate Adriana’s unique background as well as mediation, Ayurveda and moonology knowledge. It has been such a fun journey with her.”

    Client | Coaching Program
  • “I begin my Ayurveda LifeStyle Coaching in October 2021. I found myself in a no turn point from becoming diabetic, with my weight up on the charts, scared and helpless, I heard about this coaching program, that would bring me awareness not only of what I should or not to eat, but would make me aware of all and every aspect of my whole being. What would my body constitution look like? How Meditation and self care techniques would interfere with gaining back and getting in control of my health, my life, my relationships, my longevity, my whole me? Two months after, following step by step of my routine, I eliminated 15 Pounds. Well, if I have to summarize in few words my experience, I would say ‘Huge Change with Little Effort’.”

    Elayne B.
    Client | Awareness Awakens & Wellness Coaching Personalized Program
  • “Adriana’s primordial sound meditation course had a great positive impact on my life. Learning to meditate with my primordial sound has taught me to embrace the present moment which has helped me decrease my anxiety and increase my focus on the things I wanted to accomplish. Great course, I recommend to anyone who wants to improve their lives.”

    Paula D.
    Client | Meditation Program

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  • adriana@acgwellness.com

Based in Calabasas, CA, USA